
How Flowtime Works

Flowtime is based on the innovative Third Time technique, offering a flexible and natural approach to managing your work and focus. Here’s how it works:

The Core Principle

  1. Work for as long as you feel comfortable or until you need a break.
  2. Take a break that’s one-third the duration of your work session.
  3. Repeat the cycle throughout your day.

This adaptive method allows you to work in harmony with your natural rhythm, energy levels, and schedule.

Key Features of Flowtime

Flexible Work Sessions

Unlike rigid time management systems, Flowtime adapts to your needs. Work for as long or as short as you like, whether it’s 15 minutes or 2 hours. The app tracks your work time automatically.

Smart Break Management

Flowtime automatically calculates break durations based on your work session length (e.g., a 15-minute break after 45 minutes of work). If you take a break early, the unused time is banked and added to your next break, ensuring you always get the rest you’ve earned.

Distraction Blocking

With a simple long press, you can block potentially disruptive apps during your work sessions. Access is automatically restored during breaks or when your session ends.

3-Minute Rule

To combat procrastination, Flowtime encourages you to start tasks that take three minutes or less immediately. This simple strategy helps build momentum and reduce stress.

Progress Tracking

Gain insights into your productivity patterns with Flowtime’s straightforward progress tracking. Understand your peak focus hours without getting overwhelmed by complex charts.

Using Flowtime

  1. Start a work session when you’re ready to focus.
  2. Work until you feel the need for a break or complete your task.
  3. Take the break suggested by the app, or bank some time for later if needed.
  4. Repeat the cycle, adjusting as necessary to your energy and schedule.

Why Flowtime Works

Flowtime combines the best aspects of focused work techniques with the flexibility your dynamic life demands. Start using Flowtime today and experience a more natural, less stressful way to manage your time and boost your productivity.